Nourishing the Family with Chef Tom Walton

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Meet Tom Walton. 

You may have seen his amazing recipes pop up in our Instagram feed. An accomplished chef, fellow real food and bone broth advocate, and a father of three with a passion for health, fitness, and wellbeing. He’s the type of guy that always over-delivers and we have no idea how he does it all!

So we thought it was time we all got to know him a little better… and get a few of his kitchen tips!

What is your food philosophy?
For me, it’s food prepared simply, without fuss or overworked, for maximum deliciousness. When I say that - it isn't just about flavour - it's goodness, simplicity, origin, how it makes you feel.

Your go-to meal for entertaining…
I love whole roast veggies or a roast chook, or both. Served with some dips and sauces. That or a taco spread.

Your favourite 15 min meal…
If I'm eating on my own, a piece of fish and salad. If it's with my wife, usually a soup with grated veggies so they cook quickly or a quick Asian-inspired noodle salad.

What are your top tips for nourishing your family?
We cook at home nearly all the time, making sure there are lots of whole foods, fresh veggies, and fruits in the fridge and cupboards. Having the basics and some quick meals ready to go, we’re not left wanting more. We try to make a wide range of meals for our kids so they explore more diversity and find what they love away from the usual.

Your top tips for reducing waste in the kitchen?
Embrace leftovers, have some great ideas like a delicious veggie braise with the bits and bobs left in your fridge, turn old herbs into pesto or a green goddess sauce. Look in your fridge before you shop so you’re not overbuying or letting things go bad. Try and empty the fridge before restocking. Also, wrap and store things well so they don't dehydrate in your fridge and you get more shelf life. Cook simply, letting whole veggies or 2 or 3 ingredients speak for themselves, so you don't have to buy lots of different ingredients.

Undivided Food