Just Eating Real Food with Rachael Finch

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Meet Rachael Finch.

Rachael Finch is a mother, television host, certified health coach, personal trainer, fitness and activewear entrepreneur and she’s one of those amazing humans that just glows. We’ll have what she’s having, please!

We love her no-nonsense and down-to-earth approach to nourishing herself and her family, so asked her to share some insights into her tips and philosophies around food.

Reading this made us even more proud to see our products in regular rotation in her kitchen!

What is your food philosophy?

My food philosophy is all about just eating real food! I try to cook everything at home and keep food as close to its natural state as possible. I like to eat seasonally and organic where possible. I went through a stage in my life where I did eat a lot of processed food, and my body paid for it. I make a conscious effort every day to wake up, tune in, and make decisions on what I'm going to eat based on how I FEEL.

What are your top tips for nourishing your family especially during the summer months?

Summer in Australia calls for plenty of stone fruit and mango. The kids love making icy poles from blended fruit and coconut milk. I also do a lot of fresh, crunchy salads with lots of colour!

A few things you look for when selecting packaged food products?

When I choose items in a package, bottle, or jar, I want them to be made directly from wholefoods. I won't buy anything that includes thickeners, preservatives, artificial ingredients, or words I can't pronounce. Every single thing we put in (or on) our body gets absorbed directly into our bloodstream and has a direct impact on who we are.

Undivided Food